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Are Bed Bugs Still Active Around Dallas?


Bed bugs are home-invading pests found in all 50 of the United States. There is a misconception that you most commonly find bed bugs in unkempt homes; however, this is not true. Bed bugs will thrive in most environments where they have access to their primary source of food—human blood.

Are you looking for a professional provider of bed bug pest control services for your Dallas home? Our team of trained technicians with Greenforest Termite & Pest Control provides top-quality pest control services in Dallas. We have various treatment options available for efficiently solving problems involving bed bugs.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs in Dallas are insects that measure up to ¼ of an inch long and have a reddish-brown appearance. These wingless pests usually emerge at night and crawl toward sleeping humans (or animals), using a tube-like proboscis to pierce the skin and consume a blood meal.

Do bed bugs carry diseases? Unlike ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests that bite humans, bed bugs do not carry diseases.

How Long Does The Bed Bug Season Last?

There is no bed bug “season,” as these pests remain active year-round. However, experts believe that bed bugs spread most rapidly during the busy summer travel season as people have increased exposure to bed bugs in hotel rooms and mass-transportation hubs such as train or bus stations. Bed bugs are commonly “brought home” (unintentionally) with those returning from travel inside bags, suitcases, and other belongings.

Can bed bugs survive the cold weather? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bed bugs have demonstrated the ability to survive temperatures as low as 

46 °F. When the temperature falls beneath this threshold, bed bugs must generally enter a dormant diapause state to survive.

Unlike many common household pests, bed bugs primarily spend their entire lives indoors. Regardless of the seasonal variations in weather, bed bugs are ill-equipped to survive in natural, outdoor settings.

Factors That Could Lead To Bed Bug Infestations In The Fall

What are the main causes of bed bugs inside homes? Some of the most common ways that bed bug infestations start include:

  • Home occupants who stay elsewhere overnight often carry bed bugs home within their personal belongings.
  • Bed bugs may enter homes with second-hand clothing, furniture, or appliances.
  • Once indoors, bed bugs may travel through small openings into other rooms of a home or adjacent units in apartment buildings.

Are you facing a bed bug infestation? Promptly speak with a local pest control company regarding the best ways of solving these problems. The pros know how to exterminate bed bugs quickly and will advise you on the best ways of preventing future bed bug intrusions.

The Best Solution To Bed Bug Activity In Dallas

Have you or other household members noticed indications of potential bed bug activity?  Property owners should contact a local pest management company for an inspection. Dallas bed bug exterminators know where to look for bed bugs and will assess the extent of the infestation.

With more than 35 years of experience providing safe and effective pest solutions for Dallas homeowners, Greenforest Termite & Pest Control remains a leader in specialized treatment options for bed bugs. After receiving an inquiry, we will deploy a technician to the home to perform a detailed assessment of the premises. Some bed bug eradication methods we might use include liquid formulas, steam treatment, and others.

Reach out to us today for help with bed bugs and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Dallas.
